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Modals present contextual information or tasks without navigating the user away from the main task flow. Because they sit on an elevated layer and disable the layout behind them, they should be used for tasks and alerts that require the user's exclusive attention.


Screenshot of modal component.
Standard Modal

Standard modals allow the user to review information or take action. The required parts are a title, plain or rich-text body content and associated actions. A standard modal may also have a sub-header and a Close icon.

    <div class="p-modal__overlay">
      <div class="p-modal">
        <div class="p-modal__close-bar">
          <h1 class="p-modal__close-bar-title">Header</h1>
          <button class="p-modal__close-bar-button" ><i class="icon icon--close p-modal__close-bar-button-icon"></i> </button>
        <div class="p-modal__content">
          Content Section
            <p class="l-margin-bottom--none">Lorem ipsum dolor</p>
        <div class="p-modal__footer">
          <button class="p-modal__button">Button</button>
          <button class="p-modal__button--primary">Primary</button>

Alert Modal

Alert modals interrupt or end a user's task flow to give critical feedback or force an immediate action. The required elements are a feedback icon, a title, body content and a way to dismiss the modal.

Screenshot of info alert modal component.
Information Alert Modal
Use information alert modals to direct the user on how to continue an interaction outside of the designed experience.

    <div class="p-modal__overlay">
      <div class="p-modal-alert">
        <div class="p-modal-alert__close-bar">
          <button class="p-modal__close-bar-button" ><i class="icon icon--close p-modal__close-bar-button-icon"></i></button>
        <div class="p-modal-alert__content">
          <i class='icon icon--exclamation p-modal-alert__icon u-color--semantic-orange-base'></i>
          <div class="p-modal-alert__title">Are you sure you want to delete this address?</div>
          <hr class="p-modal-alert__divider"/>      
          <div class="p-modal-alert__text">123 Park Ave Ormond Beach, FL 38477</div>
        <div class="p-modal__footer">          
          <button class="p-modal__button--primary">Call Us</button>
Screenshot of warning alert modal component.
Warning Alert Modal

Use warning alert modals to warn of destructive action and ask for immediate user confirmation in instances where the action will lead to data loss. If warning feedback does not require user confirmation, use the Notifcation component instead.

    <div class="p-modal__overlay">
      <div class="p-modal-alert">
        <div class="p-modal-alert__close-bar">
          <button class="p-modal__close-bar-button" ><i class="icon icon--close p-modal__close-bar-button-icon"></i></button>
        <div class="p-modal-alert__content">
          <i class='icon icon--info p-modal-alert__icon u-color--primary-base'></i>
          <div class="p-modal-alert__title">Need help?</div>
          <hr class="p-modal-alert__divider"/>      
          <div class="p-modal-alert__text">If you're stuck, call one of our help desk representatives to
          assist you in the process.</div>
        <div class="p-modal__footer">
          <button class="p-modal__button">Cancel</button>
          <button class="p-modal__button--primary">Confirm</button>
Screenshot of warning alert modal component.
Error Alert Modal

Use error alert modals to tell the user of an error that they cannot resolve on their own. Provide information within the body on how to proceed. If warning feedback is related to an action on the underlying page and can be fixed there, use the Notifcation or Inline Error components instead. To communicate a system error, use a full-page error layout.

    <div class="p-modal__overlay">
      <div class="p-modal-alert">
        <div class="p-modal-alert__close-bar">
          <button class="p-modal__close-bar-button" ><i class="icon icon--close p-modal__close-bar-button-icon"></i></button>
        <div class="p-modal-alert__content">
          <i class='icon icon--error p-modal-alert__icon u-color--semantic-red-base'></i>
          <div class="p-modal-alert__title">Your account has been locked</div>
          <hr class="p-modal-alert__divider"/>      
          <div class="p-modal-alert__text">You have made too many failed login attempts. Please contact
          one of our help desk representatives for assistance.</div>


Screenshot of modal component.
In addition to the default state, which indicates that a modal is in the top scroll position or there is no scrollable content, Standard Modals with lengthy body content can use a scroll state. When scrolling, the header and optional sub-header, as well as the footer bar, will elevate and remain persistent at the top of the container with the rest of the content scrolling behind.
<div class="p-modal__overlay" id="scrollable" >
    <div class="p-modal" >
      <div class="p-modal__close-bar">
        <h1 class="p-modal__close-bar-title">Header</h1>
        <button class="p-modal__close-bar-button" ><i class="icon icon--close p-modal__close-bar-button-icon"></i> </button>
      <div class="p-modal__sub-title">Optional sticky subtitle</div>
      <div class="p-modal__content">
        Content Section
          <p class="l-margin-bottom--none">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pulvinar laoreet ligula in placerat. Quisque sed lacinia nulla. Nullam nec nulla nec tortor suscipit ullamcorper. Pellentesque dui dolor, varius sodales dolor sed, bibendum eleifend lorem. Maecenas ut dui quis lacus volutpat eleifend maximus a nisi. Curabitur lobortis elementum risus nec tincidunt. Nunc at libero porta, pretium velit non, interdum felis. Maecenas eget nulla accumsan, suscipit justo at, facilisis turpis. Pellentesque mattis justo eu tellus tempor posuere. Duis dignissim justo et magna congue, ut tincidunt erat sollicitudin. Pellentesque maximus pulvinar vestibulum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla lobortis ante a hendrerit lacinia. Phasellus non efficitur nisl, eu malesuada ante. Nunc gravida eros vel sapien egestas, ac pellentesque urna fermentum. Nulla vitae ligula vel enim auctor ornare.

        Donec sit amet pharetra purus. Nunc lesuada arcu congue sit amet. Ut tempus ex et turpis auctor, id hendrerit felis volutpat. Curabitur elementum lacinia malesuada. Curabitur sed condimentum mauris. Fusce molestie, metus vel aliquet porta, odio lorem molestie ligula, sed vehicula risus tortor et justo. Nunc elementum libero eu condimentum scelerisque. Vestibulum tincidunt justo risus, nec gravida diam tempor sit amet. Vestibulum ultrices diam semper risus lobortis, a sodales metus accumsan. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>
      <div class="p-modal__footer p-modal__footer--shadow">
        <button class="p-modal__button">Button</button>
        <button class="p-modal__button--primary">Primary</button>


Use role="dialog" and aria-modal="true" to convey to assistive technology that the modal content is separate from the rest of the page. Toggle on aria-hidden="true" on the underlying content when the modal is open to trap keyboard focus. To be completely accessible, label the same element that carries the role attribute with a corresponding id attribute on the modal title.

Design Environment

At larger breakpoints, modals take up 70% of the screen width, with a max-width of 710px. Modals can be dismissed by clicking the scrim outside of the modal container, pressing the escape key, clicking the close icon or any dismissing action included in the modal. Modals should never trigger other modals.