Tooltips are elevated labels that provide brief, supplementary information about, or identify, the element they point to. They do not support rich text or complex operations.
Tooltips hide information by default and should be used sparingly. If the user needs to know the information within the tooltip to complete their task, place it within the main layout. Additionally, tooltip content should be unique and not repeat information that already exists on the page.
The only required element in a tooltip is body content. Depending on the variant, a Close action will be included. Tooltips can include an optional Title for increased scannability.
I provide additional information that is nice to have but that you don't need to complete your task.
You must click, tap or tab to open me.
I provide additional information that is nice to have but that you don't need to complete your task.
You can open me on mouseover and close me on mouse away.
Icon Tooltips label icons only in instances where the label cannot be placed within the main layout. They are triggered on mouseover and should be used sparingly.
Tooltips can be placed as needed to best suit the design: above, below or to the left or right of the element they point to. Offer consistent visual cues indicating a tooltip is present, either as standalone elements (e.g. help or info icons) or as a specific treatment for inline elements (e.g. dotted underline on inline text). In order to avoid a tooltip covering related content, they include a padding of 8 px between the tooltip caret and the element it points to.
The information within a tooltip will not scroll, so be careful not to overload your tooltip with content. If there is a need for additional context, consider using a Modal instead.
Tooltip content can be fragments or full sentences, but should be as concise as possible. Only full sentences should use end punctuation. Follow the microcopy guidelines for the Title component if included.