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Bug Reports and Requests

One of the best ways to ensure that Currency is working for you is to contribute back to the system. Currency welcomes all feedback and contributions that meet our brand and quality standards to create the best experience for our users and customers.

Bug Reporting and Fixes

Currency is committed to maintaining quality and consistency throughout our assets. If you encounter a problem, let us know in any off the following ways:

  1. Report the issue in our #currency-bugs Slack channel
  2. Bring up the issue during a Currency/Design sync
  3. If you're comfortable, follow the steps below to report the bug directly onto our Bug Board in Trello (accessible on-network only)
For tracking purposes, all bugs will end up on the Trello board regardless on ingress point

Reporting Defects Using the Bug Board

Create a bug task

Start in the 'Bug Reported' list. Using the 'Create from Template' icon in the bottom-right corner of the list to create the task will allow you to categorize the bug by type (design or code), brand and code base, if applicable. In turn, this helps us allocate resources to ensure the defect is addressed as quickly as possible.

Create bug task

Be detailed

In the card description, give as much relevant information up front as you can. This includes steps to reproduce, screenshots, what the expected behavior should be, urgency and impact, etc.

Give as much detail in the description as possible

Join the Card

Becoming a member of the card will keep you up to date as it moves through the various Currency boards. Feel free to add any other members who may want to stay in the loop.

Join the card

Chat with us

Sometimes it will be necessary for us to gather more information regarding your bug report before we can diagnose it, so expect to hear from the team. We may comment on the card in Trello, chat with you in a sync or reach out one-on-one.

Once a bug is reported, Currency will gather all of the necessary information to determine whether it is a unique defect. If it's not in fact a defect or if it's a duplicate, it will be moved to the 'Bug Rejected' list with reasoning. Otherwise, once diagnosed the bug will be moved to the 'Bug Accepted' list and then into our backlog for prioritization.

Feature Requests

Have an idea for something new? Or a reusable asset already built out? Currency depends on the involvement of our users, so let us know! Similar to bug reporting, you can reach out with feature requests via any of the following channels:

  1. Use the #design-systems or any team-specific Slack channel
  2. Bring up an idea during a Currency/Design sync
  3. If you're comfortable, follow the steps below to request a feature directly onto our Feature Request board in Trello (accessible on-network only)
For tracking purposes, all approved feature requests will end up on the Trello board regardless on ingress point

Requesting features using the feature request board

Create a card

Start in the 'Feature Request' list. Using the 'Create from Template' icon in the bottom-right corner of the list to create the task, create a card using the Feature Request template. This template includes a checklist that will help Currency decide if the asset is right for the design system.

Feature Request creation

Be detailed

In the card description, tell us the problem this feature solves for you, why it needed to be created instead of extending an existing asset, and how you might see it applied more broadly.

Feature detail creation

Join the card

Becoming a member of the card will keep you up to date as it moves through the various Currency boards. Feel free to add any other members who may want to stay in the loop.

Chat with us

Generally, feature requests require more conversation with the Currency team than bug fixes to ensure that the proposed solution is scalable, reusable and meets our brand requirements. Feature requests will also be brought up at team syncs to gauge how these proposed assets can be leveraged across teams.

Once a feature request is approved, it will move into the Currency backlog for prioritization.