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Type Style

Use Type Style utilities to modify the positioning and appearance of text.

Style Options

Type Alignment

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Left Alignment
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Center Alignment
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Right Alignment

Type Scale

XXSmallThe five boxing wizards jump quickly.
XSmallThe five boxing wizards jump quickly.
SmallThe five boxing wizards jump quickly.
MediumThe five boxing wizards jump quickly.
LargeThe five boxing wizards jump quickly.
XLargeThe five boxing wizards jump quickly.
XXLargeThe five boxing wizards jump quickly.
XXXLargeThe five boxing wizards jump quickly.

Type Decoration

LightThe five boxing wizards jump quickly.
NormalThe five boxing wizards jump quickly.
BoldThe five boxing wizards jump quickly.
ItalicThe five boxing wizards jump quickly.
UnderlineThe five boxing wizards jump quickly.