Style Options
Type Alignment
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Left Alignment
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Center Alignment
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Right Alignment
Type Scale
XXSmall | The five boxing wizards jump quickly. |
XSmall | The five boxing wizards jump quickly. |
Small | The five boxing wizards jump quickly. |
Medium | The five boxing wizards jump quickly. |
Large | The five boxing wizards jump quickly. |
XLarge | The five boxing wizards jump quickly. |
XXLarge | The five boxing wizards jump quickly. |
XXXLarge | The five boxing wizards jump quickly. |
Type Decoration
Light | The five boxing wizards jump quickly. |
Normal | The five boxing wizards jump quickly. |
Bold | The five boxing wizards jump quickly. |
Italic | The five boxing wizards jump quickly. |
Underline | The five boxing wizards jump quickly. |